sábado, 29 de noviembre de 2014

Ediciones en Ingles de Alicia

Ediciones en Inglés.

Carroll, Lewis. Alice in Wonderland. Alice Through the Looking Glass. The Hunting of the Snark. Illustrations by John Tenniel. Editing and translation of Luis Maristany. Collection Phoenix. Plaza y Janes, Barcelona, 1999. ISBN 84-01-42333-3

     - Alice in Wonderland: Through the Looking Glass. Translation of Ramon Buckley. Issues Chair: Madrid, 1992. ISBN 84-376-1092-3
     - Alice in Wonderland. Through the Looking Glass. Translation of Mauro Ermine. Avatars Collection. Valdemar editions: Madrid, 1998 [4th edition 2006]. ISBN 84-7702-235-6. Republished as Adventures of Alice in Wonderland. Through the Looking Glass. Collection Diogenes Club. Valdemar editions: Madrid, 2006. ISBN 84-7702-447-2
     - Alice in Wonderland. Translation of Gabriel Lopez Guix. Ediciones B: Barcelona, 2002. ISBN 84-666-0802-8
     - Alice in Wonderland. Silvia and Bruno. Translation of Luis Maristany and Leonardo Tuesday. Editorial Edhasa: Barcelona, 2002. ISBN 84-350-4011-9
     - Adventures of Alice in Wonderland. Editing Torralba Pilar Álvarez. Akal Editions: Madrid, 2005. ISBN 84-460-1995-7
     - Alice in Wonderland. Through the Looking Glass. Translation of Francisco Torres Oliver. Akal Editions: Madrid, 2003. ISBN 84-460-2071-8. This translation is reproduced in Annotated Alice:
     Alice in Wonderland. Through the Looking Glass. Editing Martin Gardner. Akal Editions: Madrid, 1984 [2nd edition 1987 (1998/1999)]. ISBN 978-84-7339-694-3
     - Alice in Wonderland. Translation of Jaime de Ojeda. Siruela Editions: Madrid, 2004. ISBN 84-7844-760-1
     - Alice in Wonderland. Translation of Graciela Montes. Colihue Editions: Buenos Aires, 1996. ISBN 950-581-272-8
     - Alice in Wonderland. Translation of Cora Bosh. Editorial: Atlantida Buenos Aires, 2010. ISBN 978-950-08-1636-6

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